30 Tage [Tag]

Lisa, eine meiner Lieblings-Bloggerinnen macht bei dem 30 Tage [Tag] mit und ich finde das so süß, dass ich auch Lust bekommen habe, da mitzumachen. Also freut Euch, auf die nächsten 30 Tage.
1. A photo of you, taken today and the outfit you wore today.
2. What's in your bag? 
3. A photo of your cellphone. 
4. A day in the life, photographs taken throughout your day. 
5. Inspiration (: 
6. A photograph of yourself without makeup. 
7. Sweet about me (: 
8. A photo of someone you fancy at the moment 
9. Love Letters.
10. Your dream wedding. 
11. A photo of the item you last purchased.

12. Your favourite movie.
13. What you want more than anything right now.

14. Your current wishlist.

15. Something you regret.

16. The most beautiful picture of your best friend.

17. A TV show you're currently addicted to.

18. A photo of your house/apartment.

19. A photo of your handwriting.

20. A band/artist not many people know of, but you think should.
21. A photograph of the part of you that you dislike the most.
22. A photograph of the part of you that you like the most. 
23. The next plan you have coming up that you're really excited for.
24. A song to match your mood.
25. A photograph of the town you live in.
26. A celebrity you don't like, and why.
27. A photo of your favourite item of clothing.
28. A cartoon caracter that you'd love to meet in real life.
29. What's in your make-up bag?
30. A photograph of yourself taken today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days.


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